Embody your childlike innocence

As I struggle to find myself amidst the noise of the outside world, I recently reached for my beloved Sufi Tarot deck for guidance. I pulled this card and it immediately connected with what I need to remember about myself - that I have worked hard in my life to remain childlike, not because I am blind to the harshness of life, but rather because of it.
To reconnect to our true essence, remember not only our purity but also that of every soul that travels through this plane of existence. Therefore, we must learn to find their inner child, before the pain and disappointments of life caused wounds which led to walls. That is our work.
Here is the description of this card, borrowed from Ayeda Hussain's Sufi Tarot deck:
DAUGHTER OF CUPS - Idealism, creativity, being a dreamer, intuitive, sensitive, childlike innocence, and romantic at heart.
The daughter of cups is a true embodiment of the element of water - her flowing and dreamy nature is representative of someone not necessarily young in years but young at heart. An idealist who believes in magic and fairy tales, she is often accused of being aloof and out of touch. Yet she is happiest deep in thought, connecting to the mystical plane, and trying to recreate its beauty in the physical world. Her being is one of spirituality, intuition, feeling, and emotion. Creative, heart and soul-centered, she needs to be able to dream, even if it is romanticizing an ideal love that may not be reflected in reality.
When this card appears for you, you are being guided to connect with your innocence and childlike nature. The Sufis believe that while the purity and flame of a child is special, it cannot compare to the purity and flame of someone who has gone through life and kept it intact. This was the softness of heart, ability to perceive beauty, and appreciation for the ordinary come not from naivete, but from the place of having lived through life's circumstances while nurturing an inner flame that remains intact and strong. How do you connect with your childlike nature? How do you allow it to help you create beauty?